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Joint OSU, K9 Training Exercise
May 3, 2021
On May 1st, Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue (SCVSAR) conducted a joint training session with our Operations Support Unit (OSU) and our K-9 Team.
This training was developed in preparation for the 2021 search season, to ensure we are all working at our pinnacle skill set when finding those who are lost.
The coordinators for this training session designed a common search scenario in the Snohomish County woods for missing hikers and helped develop a plan for the K-9 Team members to search for the subjects. The scenario ended with all subjects being found successfully. This was a full day of training with K-9s and their Dog Handers, Operations, and (to ensure a great turnout ) our Food Truck, that renewed skills after the winter lull, and reiterated our basic foundation that we build upon in SCVSAR.
In the end, teamwork between command staff and searchers in the field collaborating together is essential to our goals. Interested in joining Search & Rescue? We’re always looking for motivated, dedicated people, who will train for and deploy on missions…“THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE.”