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2021 SAR Academy
May 24, 2021
Congratulations to new volunteer SCVSAR members who worked hard to pass the 3-day SAR Academy in Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue!
We also congratulate existing members who were able to refresh some field core competencies and search techniques in a wilderness environment.
The weekend’s training, augmented by prior online classes, included an unplanned bivouac and a mock search & rescue, with special focus on the following skills:
- GPS and Navigation with Compass
- Overnight shelter, with gear, as well as Alternate Shelter Identification
- Pack a Subject in a Litter for Transport to definitive care, as well as the transport activities
- Day and Night Grid Searches as well as an Evidence Search
- Average Range of Detection (AROD) search techniques
- Conduct GAR Assessments (Green/Amber/Red safety level for missions)
- Operate and Communicate on a SAR radio
- Bone Immobilization, and Glove Removal to manage blood borne pathogen safety.
We send special thanks to the organizers and instructors who made this all possible. SCVSAR is welcoming new recruits who wish to join.
The next SAR Academy will be held in Fall 2021, with online learning and orientation opportunities until then. Joining SAR is a great way to give back to the community while also learning unique skills and meeting amazing people. For more information on how to join, please visit